Tuesday, April 29, 2008


It is still vivid in my reminiscence when we journeyed to a land where light greatly visits, copious and lustful forest, clean breeze can be felt and glimpsed. The land, I can say is one of God’s masterpiece here in the Philippines but poignantly, I can say the genuine people living on that land was droned and thrown away from that land and now living to their own land as shadows. Zambales.to the deepest land.
Back to where it all happened, we went on 24th December, cold wind hits my face from the moment I stepped out of our car, the first masterpiece that I saw was a bunch of black faces of the tribes. My initial reaction was a terror that gave me goose bumps. Primarily I think because it was my first time to them, and my conscience as child was not that very justified, I asked mom why we are there and they talked to them as if they were my family. That moment, I discovered one word that can describe the situation of the people, that they are disputed and pathetic. Compared to their rich land, I asked to myself, “Why does the land posses all the riches but those Itas are experiencing such compassionate circumstances?” It was about noon, when I learned to mingle with them / we donate foods and clothes to them, interacted, and listened to their stories and I discovered that some foreign companies built many establishments to that place and they where thrown to a dry place. Those establishments, was the establishments that many people are enjoying- malls, and technology museums. About to leave, my heart fainted, when I saw them crying and the others where enjoying our companionship with them, that was one of my childhood memories that until now I carry. They were not as fearful looking compared to those dreadful foreigners that destroyed their lives. I can say that they were not pathetic, I should say that they were fortunate, religiously speaking because God will give them another land- His kingdom. I knew that that visit gave them peace and hope. As, closed my eyes that night, I can feel peace within my heart.
As I entered the high school, they introduced. The PALIHAN, I remembered visiting a family in LUMOT AGNO, the owner said “Maraming ng pumunta na eswelahan sa amin ngunit ganito pa rin kami”. Our response was, we gave our donations, washed all their dishes and got their water in the poso negro. Our group advice them and I think gave them hope. When I reminisce all these experienced, I learned that the last thing I could do is to pray for them.
Actions truly speaks louder, rather than saying things like “How pathetic they are!” upon hearing brutal and TV, we can pray and say Lord give hope and peace and if you can do donate to them, Why do it? When I close my eyes every night, I remember all these and reflect if every day are well spent- healing and listening to Your call, I know I am Your instrument.

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