Tuesday, April 29, 2008


When I heard the song called Realize by the songwriters Colbie Caillat and Jason Reeves, it came to a point where I realized something. It was the fact that when we love someone deeply, sometimes we forget the people around us that love us too. That person blinds us and we think that he/she is the only one who cares and loves us. It is in our human nature to love but is it also in our human nature to realize?

Summer Scent

This poem won 9th place on Ms. Karen Neary's Contest- Summer Scent on www.poetrysoup.com


Summer scent is the smell of freedom

where we can escape the flavor of boredom
so we plan to have our vacation on the beach
where we can relax and fresh air is within our reach

The warm wind tenderly embraced my spirit
I felt excited on this first visit
on an island where refugees can find paradise
an island where spending time is wise

The dulcet breeze gently kisses lush green trees
and the mirthful sun smiles over the vast seas
Where surfers play with gigantic waves
and are not certain on what road it paves

The fluffy clouds are smoothly sailing
the birds are singing and harmoniously dancing
There are butterflies that are colorful in hue
like enchanted fairies changing colors from pink to blue

Type of Foods

I need my sun block, it's time for swimming
the tables are full because later we're all eating
Ladies are smiling to many cool surfer dudes
Children are hungry seeing delicious exotic foods

sand castle

I picked a shell that whispered peacefully in my ears
and we built castles that we fancied over the years
out of the small grains of white sands
and all you need is helping hands

God was really great in creating splendid wonders
that were loved by all especially the nature lovers
There are numerous oceans that are aquamarine
and abundant trees and grasses that are green


The brother sun was slowly hiding
because the sister moon was coming
I guess it was our time to pack
but there will come a time for us to go back

Go back to a place of leisure and freedom
where you'll not taste the flavor of boredom
It would be hard for us to say goodbye
because truly we will come back and say Hi!

Four Friends

This poem is my entry to Mr. John Heck's contest in www.poetrysoup.com

A man remembered someone pictured on a paper
Someone who became a friend and a lifesaver
A man remembered four friend’s adventure together
and a promise to be kept forever

Four friends in search of a missing body
They set out on an unforgettable journey
A two-day trek turned into a road of self-discovery
and an unending wonderful story

Four boys discover a strength they never knew they had
One is sensitive, one is flamboyant, and a scaredy-cat, and a tough lad
They heroes manifested in their own little ways
and their adventure will not only last for two sunny days

Four brave hearts will be recognized by their town’s eyes
as they experience their growing friendship ties
Together they sneak smokes, tell tall tales,
run rail ways, band together, and listens to night bird wails

Four different roads at the end they travel
and four different futures that yet to unravel
One might be in heaven; one might be a strong tiger
They may never see each other again but they would stay forever

Four friends in search of a missing body
They set out on an unforgettable journey
They are heroes in every thing they have done
and he never had friends like the ones when he was twelve, Jesus, does anyone?


It is still vivid in my reminiscence when we journeyed to a land where light greatly visits, copious and lustful forest, clean breeze can be felt and glimpsed. The land, I can say is one of God’s masterpiece here in the Philippines but poignantly, I can say the genuine people living on that land was droned and thrown away from that land and now living to their own land as shadows. Zambales.to the deepest land.
Back to where it all happened, we went on 24th December, cold wind hits my face from the moment I stepped out of our car, the first masterpiece that I saw was a bunch of black faces of the tribes. My initial reaction was a terror that gave me goose bumps. Primarily I think because it was my first time to them, and my conscience as child was not that very justified, I asked mom why we are there and they talked to them as if they were my family. That moment, I discovered one word that can describe the situation of the people, that they are disputed and pathetic. Compared to their rich land, I asked to myself, “Why does the land posses all the riches but those Itas are experiencing such compassionate circumstances?” It was about noon, when I learned to mingle with them / we donate foods and clothes to them, interacted, and listened to their stories and I discovered that some foreign companies built many establishments to that place and they where thrown to a dry place. Those establishments, was the establishments that many people are enjoying- malls, and technology museums. About to leave, my heart fainted, when I saw them crying and the others where enjoying our companionship with them, that was one of my childhood memories that until now I carry. They were not as fearful looking compared to those dreadful foreigners that destroyed their lives. I can say that they were not pathetic, I should say that they were fortunate, religiously speaking because God will give them another land- His kingdom. I knew that that visit gave them peace and hope. As, closed my eyes that night, I can feel peace within my heart.
As I entered the high school, they introduced. The PALIHAN, I remembered visiting a family in LUMOT AGNO, the owner said “Maraming ng pumunta na eswelahan sa amin ngunit ganito pa rin kami”. Our response was, we gave our donations, washed all their dishes and got their water in the poso negro. Our group advice them and I think gave them hope. When I reminisce all these experienced, I learned that the last thing I could do is to pray for them.
Actions truly speaks louder, rather than saying things like “How pathetic they are!” upon hearing brutal and TV, we can pray and say Lord give hope and peace and if you can do donate to them, Why do it? When I close my eyes every night, I remember all these and reflect if every day are well spent- healing and listening to Your call, I know I am Your instrument.

Summer Getaway

Ways to Cool Down the Summer Heat

beach volleyball Beach Volleyball is one of the famous sport activities done by teens out under the heat of the sun to make their summer experience fun and at the same time make friends with this friendly game. All you need is you sun block to avoid tanning or skin cancer, the volleyball, the net and net stand, and your game mates. At the same time, you can share quality time with your friends and even with your family members.

Beach Outing is the best choice to people who are bored and tired of sweating because of the sun’s heat. There are many cool and relaxing beaches here in the Philippines were fresh nature’s wonders can be experienced such as the white sands of Boracay, Puerto Prinsesa, Capones Island, and El Nido where you can surf, swim, make sand castles, and relax.

Tifa Cosplay Cosplaying is one of the most fun and cool way for TV and movie addicts especially the anime addicts. Originated from Japan, people all over the world are going crazy over imitating their favorite characters weather from TV shows such as cartoons, movies, mangas, and animes.

moneyEarn Money Online by just reading e-mails, taking surveys, writing poems, blogs, articles, and essays through the net and choose what sites you will trust.

ice creamEat and Enjoy. Filipinos are very creative when it comes to making innovations, they experiment things that can be enjoyed by all. There are many cool desserts everywhere like halo-halo, ice creams, and many cool recipes that are easy to make.

Food Selling and Other Stuff Bargain is selling your old but still useful thing that you tend to give away but you just decided to have money so you sell these things. Be creative, resourceful, and experimental by creating and cooking your homemade foods and sell these to people outside your homes and eve to your friends and neighbors. You can also enhance your skills in package designs, recycle things for your packaging, and make your won jingle for your mini stall. This ways can help you in gaining profit for you to either save or buy your new stuffs.

Stand by me Make and Gain Friends through the activities that you are up to so you can have new friends that you can be with when you plan to go, you can also gain new information that can help you in your life.

BooksRead, Read, and Read! Make your time worthwhile by traveling to different places that you have never seen before, to palaces, empires, and different eras that every book can take you.

shopping Shopping is a hobby for many people who still consider buying fashionable things as a therapy for boredom and many of them are satisfied by only going to mall even without someone to be with.

Social Responsibilities engagement is one way of helping our needy brothers in having a meaningful summer. Helping in the community projects by donating goods can be big help in this season of happiness.

Summer Workshops can really enhance your hidden talents. You can try acting, dancing, speech lessons, academic reviews, and music classes that can make your summer fun and spending money is worth it.

Human Sexuality

Last school years, we had a talk on Human Sexuality because the school's council saw the vitality for us to know about our own sexuality and how can we protect it.

The council gave us some questions for our learning and reflection about Human sexuality and here in my blog are my answers.

I. What did you learn about respect and self-control?

I learned that we as Human Beings have different characteristics, perspective in life, for we are all unique. In that sense, we too have different interpretation of things around us. For instances, sex, and sexuality many of us have our own connotations, like sex is fun, some will say that it is immoral, and some will also say that it is sacred. Many of us today, look at these two words as the same in terms of meaning, let us face it, we are teenagers who in the psychological side are very curious about things. In many cases today, one of the most dominant issues of our society is pre-marital sex, pregnancy, and abortion, all of these concerns about teenagers. Some of these teenagers give their own reasons in having sex at an early age, some of them will reason out that it is their job, and some of them do it just for fun. With all their reasons, we as human beings should respect them and not to discriminate them for we too can make mistakes in our lives. I think all that they should always think is to be in-charge for their actions for they are the ones who in the end will accept all the consequences and they are also the ones that will either accept these consequences openly nor they will not. Having control in our lives means giving due respect our sexuality and to our body or our self as whole, self-control in the dimension of sex, means that as teenagers we are undergoing a process in which we have our own responsibilities that should be given more attention and studying is one of these essential responsibilities. We are teenagers, and we have a lot of time that pass by in our lives and we should focus in the things that are more vital in our lives. Sex, I think will come in the right time, it is has the bond in our sexuality but we should always think first before doing acts that we will just do out of the blue.

II. What did you found out about yourself?

I found out that I have my own perspective about sex, and some of my thoughts about sex were not merely facts but lies. I have my own sexuality that separates my characteristics to opposite sex, I found that that the fact that girls tend to think that sex is love tough it was not. I am fond of watching sex films, I am curious at first but when I watched many sex films, I became a fan of it but I am addicted at it though sometimes I am on the ‘good’ set to watch those videos. Well, media affects my being: their words, their actions, and their looks sometimes made me think to try or imitate them…Media helps, media harms but I do not want to play the fool and I have principles to follow about this thing called sex. I found out that I even a little knows my responsibilities though in some cases not talking about sexual intercourse; I am not. The important thing is that I am clear on my control in my life. Not to mention but I am mentioning it na. I wish that my principles on sex will not be betrayed by me and I detest temptations. You will never know because things sometimes come unexpectedly.

III. Significance of the Talk in my Life

The talk on Human Sexuality enlightened me a lot. The speaker gave a lot of examples on teens that experience pre-marital sex. Waaaaahhhh!!! Some of them sound funny to me but let’s face the reality well it’s not. Having experienced those things like unwanted pregnancy that leads to abortion and loosing of dignity and respect are very serious things that cause dramatic or tragic moments in their lives. I pity them when I am trying to put myself on their shoes; for some reasons I find myself imagining experiencing their pain. When the talk went deeper, I learned many vital things like the dangers in pre-marital sex and its factors. For instances, curiosity, peer pressure, exposure to media and family are some factors that can affect an individual and his mindset. If there are dangers in love, pre-marital sex also offers its dangers and it is our decision if we want to offer our hands to these dangers. These dangers are the probability of getting STD, infertility, unwanted pregnancy, the resounding abortion, loss of self-esteem, betrayal, isolation, and death. Now it is truly compassion. “There are dangers in pre-marital sex that most of us does not want to experience and its sad when you’ll know its you who was victimized by a culprit: yourself.

IV. Learnings

I learned that we should take charge of our self; we are the ones who are will accept the consequences of each of our actions. There are times that we do not want to listen and follow the advices of the persons that tell us the right thing to do. Well, most teens are like that, including me but I know that we are capable of following and we are capable of thinking twice and discerning the right one. Sex is sacred, it is true our body is the temple of God and it is our own self, the thing is that we should take care of it. Sex will come in the right time of our lives; it is not that immoral for we are not here, I am not here typing with complete hands if sex does not exist. We are Moral beings and we should respect teens that experienced the dangers of pre-marital sex and the discrimination of their sexuality. Our sexuality sometimes indicates our actions, psychologically speaking girls